Many of my clients use scripts or a teleprompter to nail exactly what they want to say. There’s a lot of benefits to using a teleprompter when recording videos and just a few downsides. My biggest tip when using a teleprompter is you need to know your material
Obviously you’ll need to think through, write out your main points or full script & practice your natural inflections
Here are some benefits to using a teleprompter and a few tricks to make it look natural
Can word for word read your lines
You can control the speed to follow your cadence
Seamless IF you know your material
It’s not obvious you’re reading from a screen
Better than notes below the camera because then you keep looking down
Better than using a clicker in your hand for powerpoint slides
Downsides to using it:
If you don’t know your material
It can look & sound fake
The ending can sound awkward
Can’t use slides with images, just text
If the text is too small your squint
Quick tips:
Size of teleprompter (I have two), how’s your vision?
Need to already know your material
Practice beforehand
Know your inflections
Email me your *latest* edition
Have a strong ending (end on a low inflection)